Pulse of Positive Drumabout Tour 2020
Well, we all know how silly it is to PLAN things these days, but here is what I have in mind.
January thru June: Arizona & California desert • July & August: Pacific NW
September: Montana • October: Wyoming & California
November-December: Tucson
January – February: Drumabout to East Coast
Latest Past Events
Music Medicine with Christine Stevens – 2020
I am delighted to return to assist Christine Stevens, author of the groundbreaking book, Music Medicine, in this nurturing, challenging, and enlightening professional training retreat at Joshua Tree Retreat Center. Combining ancient indigenous wisdom with modern science, Christine has designed an experience that empowers us deeply and holistically through the 4-part path of music medicine:…
Facilitating Peace Making & Conflict Resolution with Drum Circles
Prescott Resort PrescottDrumming for Peace-Making – workshop with Christine Stevens Stay an extra day after the Drum Circle Facilitators Guild Conference to learn Christine Stevens' 8-step protocol for cross-cultural peace making using drum circles. Christine's vision is that we drum circle facilitators, sound healers, and music therapists step into a larger societal role as facilitators of peace. …
Drum Circle Facilitators Guild Annual Conference – 2020
Prescott Resort PrescottJoin us at the 2020 DCFG Conference — this year in the West, in Prescott, Arizona! This is where DCFs gather to push the edge of understanding and skill with this art, both individually and collectively. I have proposed to facilitate a "Drum Circle Photoshoot" session, where we all get great photos of Happy People…