Programs for Drum Circle and Drum Class Groups
Unique Rhythm Workshops
Mix it up with your Drum Circle or Class Group!
Do you lead drum classes or host a regular drum circle? How about offering them something different?
They can enjoy experiencing rhythm in new ways that
- Build their playing skills and confidence?
- Deepen group connection?
- Make the music better?
As I travel "on Drumabout," I love visiting drumming groups! As a guest facilitator, I can share new ways to relate to and play with rhythm. I'll work with you to design a workshop that:
- Meets them where they are (skill & familiarity levels)
- Builds appreciation for rhythm, drumming, and each other
- Shows rhythm benefits for daily life
- Supports your goals as group leader
I use rhythm exercises, movement, guided imagery, time signature exploration, reflection and discussion and more. (I'll collaborate with you to choose specifics.) And of course, there will be plenty of deep, juicy grooves!
For Drum Circle Groups
Pulse of Positive Rhythm Circle: A Journey to Groove
As drum circle drummers know, the magic moment in group drumming is when the music blossoms into Something Bigger that transcends the sum-of-the-individuals involved. When creativity and connection flow. When the Music plays us.
Pulse of Positive is a new way to get to that musical place. It's a multi-stage rhythmic journey that starts simple and relaxing, and leads to juicy improvisational drum circle grooves.
Along the way, we’ll breathe, appreciate, and fully let in rhythm’s healing power. We’ll bring out simple rhythm principles that help make good music — and apply in daily life, too. Most of all, we’ll co-create the community spirit from which great grooves can flow.
Blends All Levels
Everyone gets what they need in the Pulse of Positive experience. Beginners learn fundamentals that help them support the groove. Experienced drummers delve further into rhythmic expression, re-appreciating why they got into this in the first place.
In fact, this the perfect place to bring the “rhythmically curious,” or rhythmically curious friends.
For Bass Drum Lovers
Beyond the Pulse: Melody & Magic on the Bass Drum
In a drum circle or ensemble, the low-pitched bass drum creates the backbone of the rhythm — the sonic pattern that other players orient to. Learn the secrets of juicy, melodic bass lines that are fun to play, and add depth and interest to the music. Though the techniques are pretty simple, it takes a special orientation and sensibility to bring out the full potential of playing the bass!
Read more about my "philosophy of the Bass."
For Drum Classes, Choruses & Performing Groups
Structure & Freedom: Rhythm from the Inside Out
In drumming and in life, a good sense of rhythmic structure tells you where you are in space and time. This gives a strong platform to try new things, and helps you "fall back in" when you're out of sync.
In these workshops, we explore basic underlying rhythmic structures using movement, percussion, and song.
Selected to support your group's repertoire, we explore archetypal patterns for clave and bell, polyrhythms, and different time signatures. As participants build their kinesthetic sense and cognitive understanding, they'll understand the songs you're working on at a deeper level.

Traveling Workshops for
Drumming Groups
New ways to embrace Rhythm
Interested? Tell me about your group and the possibilities!